Egg estate

Egg estate

Friday, April 13, 2012

Free eggs !

Great job for the lil ones is cleaning the coops and collecting the free eggs !

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Fresh free eggs !

Thats right every morning I go outside and gather up the most d licious eggs from the coop for free. What a blessing it is to have chickens . We free range so there really is not a big need for feed .  And the point of a chicken tractor is to have them eat your grass, "grass to eggs"thats a great idea ! Id really like to help you get started by building you a chicken tractor. If you dont like my designs or the designs ive appreciated from others then lets talk and work out your very own plan. Our rates are very reasonable and we are also willing to cut people a break if need be .  Think about it .... FRESH FREE EGGS ! How can we get you started ?

Great ideas

These are some great ideas for chicken tractors.

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